Work and Project List for Meadowbrook-Strathcona (2015-2018)
Councillor Jeff McLaren,
Holds an open drop-in pubic consultation every Sunday from 3:00 to 4:00 pm at the Kingston Coffee House in the Kingston Centre.
Jeff consulting with constituents
Held four public town-hall meetings. One in the Frontenac Mall, one at Bath Road Baptist Church and two at the Kingsdale Chateau.
Canvassed the district in mid-term 2016 proactively looking for concerns in a mid-term consultation.
Will ensure the upgrading of Meadowbrook Park with new playground layout. To be completed in 2018.
Concept Drawings of New Playground layout
Will ensure the upgrading of Meadowbrook Park with new trails. To be completed in 2018.
Plan for New Trails
Will ensure the upgrading of Meadowbrook Park with new playground Equipment. To be completed in 2018.
Examples of New Playground Equipment
Installed speed humps on Kingsdale from Armstrong Rd to Centennial Dr as traffic calming measures. Completed in 2016.
Speed Humps to Prevent Dangerous Speed
Installed traffic calming bollards on Glengarry Rd. Completed in 2018.
Bollards to Prevent Dangerous Speed
These Bollards are a test and will be taken down for winter. I will canvass the area in the spring to see people want them back.
Bollards: do you want to keep them or not - Please let me know.
Installed "Do Not Block Intersection" signs on Portsmouth Ave at Elmwood ST. Installed June, 15 2018.
Installed sign at the resquest of a resident.
Installed "Deaf Child Area" signs on Kingsdale Ave by Petronella Place. Installed in 2016.
Sign for Greater Child Safety
Installed a "No Dumping" signs on Parkside Cres. parkette. Installed in 2016.
Resident Request for No Dumping Sign
Will ensure the installing of a gate at the end of the Parkway to prevent vehicles from tearing up the trail. To be installed in 2018.
Installed Little Cataraqui Creek Turtle Protection Fencing at the Little Cataraqui Creek and Princess Street. Completed in 2015.
Installed Indian Road Parkette Memorial Bench located at Indian Road Parkette "B". Completed in 2015.
Facilitated the Balsam Grove drainage improvements located adjacent to rear lots along Sherwood Drive along the storm water outfall. Completed 2016.
Facilitated, in various locations around the district, the planting of a total of 236 new Tree Plantings from 2015 to 2017. There are plans for 31 new trees in 2018
Facilitated the new traffic signal at the intersection of John Counter Boulevard and Aberfoyle Road completed in 2018. This is part of the John Counter Boulevard widening project.
New Traffic Light for Easy and Safety at Aberfoyle and John Counter
Facilitated the new traffic signal rebuild at the Intersection of Princess Street and Portsmouth Avenue. Completed in 2015.
Continued to support the John Counter Boulevard Widening including active transportation and below ground infrastructure improvements is in Progress and scheduled to be complete in 2019.
New John Counter Blvd
Continued to support the CN Rail Overpass at the John Counter Boulevard and CN Rail crossing. This is part of the John Counter Boulevard widening project. Its expected completion date is in 2019.
Facilitated the new Sidewalk Construction at Kingsdale Avenue - North Side - Summerfield Place to Meadowbrook Park Entrance. Completed 2016.
New Sidewalk for Better Park Access
Facilitated the new Sidewalk Construction at Glengarry Road - North Side - Westmoreland Road easterly to existing walk. Completed 2016.
New Sidewalk for Better Active Walking
Facilitated the sidewalk reconstruction at Elmwood Street - North Side - Sir John A. MacDonald Boulevard westerly for 200 metres. Completed in 2015
Facilitated the sidewalk reconstruction at Portsmouth Avenue - West Side - Howard Crescent to Princess Street. Completed in 2016.
Facilitated the Princess Street Crack Sealing from Princess Street and Sir John A. MacDonald Boulevard to John Counter Boulevard. Completed in 2017.
Facilitated the Centennial Drive Crack Sealing and Microsurfacing on Centennial Drive from Taylor-Kidd Boulevard to Bath Road. Completed in 2016.
New Smooth Road
Facilitated the municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) Upgrades at the Southwest corner of Princess Street and Hillendale Avenue. Currently under construction until later in 2018.
Facilitated the Avenue Road Trunk Watermain Construction on the East Side of Avenue Read from Sir John A. MacDonald Boulevard to Elizabeth Avenue. Competed in 2015.
Facilitated the Steel Gas Main Replacement on Princess Street at Sir John A. MacDonald Boulevard westerly for 325 metres. To be completed in 2018.
Facilitated the Steel Gas Main Replacement on Elmwood Street on the South Side from Sir John A. MacDonald Boulevard westerly for 200 metres. Competed in 2017.
Facilitated the Structure Relining of Watermain on Princess Street from the Parkway westerly for 200 metres. Completed in 2016.
Map of Meadowbrook-Strathcona
Meadowbrook-Strathcona includes seven neighbourhoods: Strathcona Park, Hillendale, Grenville Park, Valleyview, Balsam Grove, Waterloo Village and Meadowbrook East of Centennial Dr.